Sunday 23 October 2016

The Lift Trick

Next time I add to the BLOG I will tell you about a trick you can play with lifts. I haven't yet had the opportunity to try it myself yet. So I will try to ratify it before I publish it. Meantime it's a waiting game... and a G-Force!
OK even though I have not had an opportunity to test it I will publish and be damned. 

If you want to send the lift directly to your floor without it stopping for other requests. Hold down the DOOR CLOSED button, while you push button for your choice of floor. Hold both in until lift starts. {Police & Firefighters trick}. You can also cancel calls by pushing the button twice.


  1. Since I was last here a lot of water has passed under my bridges. I was successfully treated for prostate cancer; my SIL has died from easophageal cancer; and a long term musical associate has died from liver cancer. There are others but not so close. Onwards & upwards.......

  2. Unable to add new Posts 18Oct2019. I have tried Opera and will try Edge & Chrome in due course

  3. How did that work? How did I accomplish those COMMENTS?
